Archive for the ‘Spirituo – Cultural Foundation’ Category
Sri Raorshi Jayanti Parv, Prerna Divas – 122

Special Issue of the “Chandi Bhumi” newspaper on 72nd birth day of Spirituo-cultural Luminary Sri Rao. V.P. Singhji

6. Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao — Self

Generally, what we consider “self” is not the real self…. Due to this misconception, we in tangle ourselves into many intricate problems …. It is extremely essential to know the reality …. Two aspects of self …. M outer and inner …. What actually works behind the scene …. How the outer self is governed by the inner self …. most fascinating phenomena. The Media Expression ; July, 2013.
July, 2013Self
For this, we have to understand certain basic fundamental principles, which, though well –known to our fore-fathers, have now become obscure due to modern teaching and training, due to which many of us have become as good as foreigners in our own mother-land and have lost interest in some of the most important issues concerning our own lives. In this vast vivacious ever changing worldly scenario, only three entities have been considered as eternal, one of which is the ‘Self’. Self is the sole source, medium or means for attainment of all types of objectives—— physical, mental, moral and spiritual. The root of entire knowledge exists in the self. For advancement in any area of activity, the self has to be made use of. It is imperative, therefore, for human beings to understand the nature of self and be fully aware of its reality to make life meaningful, useful and successful. There are two aspects of self—— outer and inner. The outer self is made up of the elements of Nature .It has been divided into three parts —– (1) gross physical, (2) subtle and (3) causal. For the gross physical self, knowledge of physical, chemical, medical and other such related sciences is required. For the subtle and causal parts of the self, knowledge of the Yogik sciences is needed. For physical existence, the human race has progressed progressively, advanced in a variety of areas, developed divergent arts and evolved exuberant ways and means for the required upkeep. But, we physical existence does not last long. It is transitory. The physical form appears on the worldly scene for a specific duration, a pre-destined period, after which it disappears. Similarly, the subtle and causal are also transitory. What actually works behind the scene is the inner self, which, in fact, is the real self. The inner self assumes numerous outer forms, from time to time, with its own (i.e. the inner) self remaining the same all the time. How the outer self is governed by the inner self, is a most fascinating phenomenon. (To be continued in the next issue) |