Sanskriti – Culture

Cultural  Awareness Movement — A necessary step

Sri VPS Rao’s monumental book, “ In Quest for Cultural Conservation”, a classic for all times .

Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao   1. Culture.

Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao   2. The Indian Antiquity.

Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao   3. Wholesome culture.

Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao   4. Cultural conservation  extremely essential.

Cultural Themes by Sri VPS Rao   5. Freedom with discipline.

Sri VPS Rao on books, repository of contributions for welfare of the humanity.

Strengthen Indian Cultral Values : Sri VPS Rao

Beware of  outer cultural invasion ;  Sri VPS Rao

Sri VPS Rao on the need of cultural consciousness.

Multi-diamentional contributor Sri VPS Rao Birth Day Special Supplement


Cultural Themes by Sri V.P.S. Rao – 14. Cultural Superiority of Ancient India :

The Cultural superiority of Bharata Varsha is evident not only from internal evidence, but also from observations of foreign intellectual masters…. some eye-opening observations. The Media Expression ; July, 2014.


Cultural Themes by Sri V.P.S. Rao – 15. Misconception of Indian Culture :

Indian culture suffered a great deal due to fatal attacks of foreign invaders …. The general prejudice existed …. due to the political subjection of India, which stood as a formidable barrier to an impartial and scholarly appreciation …. The greatness of ancient India has not been recognized because of modern India’…. This fact needs to be properly understood …. and necessary steps need to be taken without further delay. The Media Expression ; November, 2014.


Cultural Awareness Essential  : Message from Sri Rao VPS :

The cultural invasion from the outer world is proving fatal for the Indian masses ….resulting in numerous kinds of crimes…. To check it, essential steps need to be taken to increase proper understanding of the tenets of Indian culture, which is based on human values. The Chandi Bhumi : 21-27 January, 2013.